

Because using matrices in Clojure needs to not suck.



dev dependencies


(this space intentionally left almost blank)
(ns clatrix.core
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [get set map-indexed map rand vector? + - * pp])
  (:use [slingshot.slingshot :only [throw+]])
  (:import [org.jblas DoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDouble
            Decompose Decompose$LUDecomposition Eigen Solve Geometry
            Singular MatrixFunctions]))

Clatrix is a fast matrix library for Clojure written atop JBlas' ATLAS/LAPACK bindings. It's not intended to be the alpha and omega of linear algebra hosted on Clojure, but it should provide most of the basics for enabling more scientific/mathematical computation.

The clatrix matrix

Matrix is implemented as a clojure Sequence data structure over JBlas' DoubleMatrix class. Many of the basic Clojure methods, such as first, rest, cons, and even some higher level functions, such as map and reduce, works with Matrix.

The Matrix type is useful to operate on matrices in Clojure and to hide the underlying Java methods. It is not hard to access these Java methods (they're available through the me function), but their use is dissuaded.

(declare get permute size matrix matrix? row? nrows ncols vstack)
(deftype Matrix [^DoubleMatrix me ^Boolean vector? ^clojure.lang.IPersistentMap metadata]
  (toString [^Matrix mat]
    (str (list `matrix
               (vec (clojure.core/map vec (vec (.toArray2 ^DoubleMatrix (.me mat))))))))
  (withMeta [this metadata]
    (Matrix. me vector? metadata))
  (meta [this]
  (equiv [this that]
      (matrix? that) (.equals (.me this) (.me that))
      (coll? that) (and (= (count this) (count that))
                       (every? true? (clojure.core/map #(== %1 %2) this that))) 
      (number? that) (and (= [1 1] (size this)) (= that (get this 0 0)))
      :else (.equals (.me this) that)))
  (first [this]
    (let [[r c] (size this)]
        (or (zero? r) (zero? c)) nil
        (and vector? (or (= r 1) (= c 1))) (get this 0 0)
        :else (let [out (get this 0 (range c))]
                (if (number? out)
                  (matrix (vector out))
  (more [this]
    (if-let [nxt (next this)]
      (matrix [])))
  (cons [this x]
      (matrix? x)  (vstack this x)
      (and (coll? x) (number? (first x))) (vstack this (matrix (vector x)))
      :else (vstack this (matrix x))))
  (seq [this]
    (let [[r c] (size this)]
      (when-not (or (zero? r) (zero? c))
        (Matrix. me vector? nil))))
  (next [this]
    (let [[r c] (size this)]
        (and vector? (= 1 c) (> r 1)) (matrix (.me (get this (range 1 r) 0)) true nil)
        (and vector? (= 1 r) (> c 1)) (matrix (.me (get this 0 (range 1 c))) true nil)
        (and (not vector?) (> r 1)) (matrix (.me (get this (range 1 r) (range c))) false nil)
        :else nil)))
  (empty [this]
    (matrix []))
  (count [this]
    (if vector?
      (clojure.core/* (nrows this) (ncols this))
      (nrows this)))
(defn me [^Matrix mat]
  (.me mat))
(defmacro dotom [name m & args]
  `(~name ^DoubleMatrix (me ~m) ~@args))

Java interop

Clatrix lifts a lot of methods directly out of JBlas. Here are a few convenience macros used for the thinnest parts of the wrapper.

(defmacro promote-cfun* [defname name fname]
  (let [n (gensym)
        m (gensym)]
    `(~defname ~name
               ([^long ~n] (matrix (~fname ~n)))
               ([^long ~n ~m] (matrix (~fname ~n ~m))))))
(defmacro promote-mfun* [defname name fname]
  (let [m (gensym)]
    `(~defname ~name [^Matrix ~m] (dotom ~fname ~m))))

Basics of matrix objects

In linear algebra, matrices are two-dimensional arrays of doubles. The object Matrix is our particular instantiation.

matrix? tests whether an object is a Matrix object.

(defn matrix?
  [m] (isa? (class m) Matrix))

The most fundamental question about a matrix is its size. This also defines a number of other ideas such as whether a matrix is a column or row vector. Columns are default, though, by convention, matrices are sometimes represented as nested seqs in row-major order.

(promote-mfun* defn ncols .columns)
(promote-mfun* defn nrows .rows)
(defn size    [^Matrix m] [(nrows m) (ncols m)])
(defn vector? [^Matrix m] (.vector? m))
(defn row?    [^Matrix m] (== 1 (first (size m))))
(defn column? [^Matrix m] (== 1 (second (size m))))
(defn square? [^Matrix m] (reduce == (size m)))

Convert a seq to int array or pass through for a number.

(defn- int-arraytise
  [x] (if (coll? x) (int-array x) x))

The most basic matrix operation is elementwise getting and setting; setting should be dissuaded as well for a Clojure wrapper, but it's too useful to hide

(defn get [^Matrix m r c]
  (let [out (dotom .get m (int-arraytise r) (int-arraytise c))]
    (if (number? out)
      (matrix out))))
(defn set [^Matrix m ^long r ^long c ^double e]
  (dotom .put m r c e))

Already this is sufficient to get some algebraic matrix properties, such as

trace computes the trace of a matrix, the sum of its diagonal elements.

(defn trace
  [^Matrix mat]
  (if (square? mat)
    (let [[n _] (size mat)]
      (reduce #(clojure.core/+ (get mat %2 %2) %1) 0 (range n)))
    (throw+ {:error "Cannot take trace of non-square matrix."})))

We can also map the entire matrices back into Clojure data structures like 2-nested vectors.

dense converts a matrix object into a seq-of-seqs of its elements in row-major order.

(defn dense
    [^Matrix m]
  (vec (clojure.core/map vec (vec (dotom .toArray2 m)))))

as-vec converts a matrix object into a seq-of-seqs of its elements in row-major order. Treats vector? type matrices differently, though, flattening the return seq to a single vector.

(defn as-vec
  [^Matrix m]
  (if (vector? m)
    (vec (dotom .toArray m))
    (dense m)))

Matrix creation

Matrices can be created from a number of simple specifications, such as (1) direct coercions, (2) element-constant matrices and vectors, and (3) identity matrices.

column coerces a seq of numbers to a column Matrix.

(defn column  ;; TODO remove from api
  [^doubles seq]
  (matrix seq))

matrix creates a Matrix from a seq of seqs, specifying the matrix in row-major order. The length of each seq must be identical or an error is throw.

(derive java.util.Collection ::collection)
(derive DoubleMatrix ::double-matrix)
(defmulti matrix
  (fn [m & args] (class m)))
(defmethod matrix ::double-matrix
  ([^DoubleMatrix x]
   (matrix x (.isVector x) nil)) 
  ([^DoubleMatrix x vector? meta]
   (Matrix. x vector? meta)))

TODO matrix ::matrix

(defmethod matrix ::collection
  (if (number? (first seq-of-seqs))
    (matrix (DoubleMatrix. (into-array Double/TYPE (clojure.core/map double seq-of-seqs))))
    (let [lengths (clojure.core/map count seq-of-seqs)
          flen    (first lengths)]
        (or (= (count lengths) 0) (some zero? lengths)) (matrix (DoubleMatrix. 0 0))
        (every? (partial = flen) lengths)
            ^"[[D" (into-array (clojure.core/map #(into-array Double/TYPE (clojure.core/map double %)) seq-of-seqs))))
        :else (throw+ {:error "Cannot create a ragged matrix."})))))

diag creates a diagonal matrix from a seq of numbers or extracts the diagonal of a Matrix as a seq.

(defn diag
  (if (matrix? seq-or-matrix)
    (let [mat ^Matrix seq-or-matrix]
      ;; We'll extract largest diagonals from non-square matrices
      ;; since this isn't really a matrix algebraic property
      (let [n (apply min (size mat))]
        (clojure.core/map #(get mat % %) (range n))))
    (let [di (clojure.core/map double (seq seq-or-matrix))]
      (matrix (DoubleMatrix/diag (DoubleMatrix. ^doubles (into-array Double/TYPE di)))))))
(promote-cfun* defn  ones DoubleMatrix/ones) ;; TODO wrap inside matrix

TODO wrap inside matrix

constant creates a column or matrix with every element equal to the same constant value.

(promote-cfun* defn zeros DoubleMatrix/zeros)
(defn constant
  ([^long n ^double c]
   (matrix (doto (DoubleMatrix/ones n)
             (.muli c))))
  ([^long n ^long m ^double c]
   (matrix (doto (DoubleMatrix/ones n m)
             (.muli c)))))

(id n) is the nxn identity matrix.

(defn id
  [^long n] (matrix (DoubleMatrix/eye n)))


(reshape A p q) coerces an nxm matrix to be pxq so long as pq = nm.

(defn reshape
  [^Matrix A p q]
  (let [[n m] (size A)]
    (if (= (clojure.core/* n m) (clojure.core/* p q))
      (dotom A p q)
      (throw+ {:exception "Cannot change the number of elements during a reshape."
               :previous (clojure.core/* n m)
               :new (clojure.core/* p q)}))))

Sparse and indexed builds

Sometimes your matrix is mostly zeros and it's easy to specify the matrix using only the non-zero entries. For this use from-sparse. It's also often easy to build matrices directly from their indices instead of going through an initial seq-of-seqs step which is facilitated by from-indices.

from-sparse creates a new Matrix from a sparse representation. A sparse representation is a seq of seqs, each inner seq having the form [i j v] stating that in the final matrix A, (get A i j) is v. The sparse specifications are applied in order, so if they overlap the latter spec will override the prior ones.

(defn from-sparse
  [^long n ^long m specs]
  (let [m (zeros n m)]
    (doseq [[i j v] specs]
      (set m i j v))

from-indices builds an nxm matrix from a function mapping the indices to values which are then stored at that location.

(defn from-indices
  [^long n ^long m fun]
  (let [ary (make-array Double/TYPE n m)]
    (doseq [i (range n)
            j (range n)]
      (aset ary i j (fun i j)))
    (matrix (DoubleMatrix. ^"[[D" ary))))

Random matrices

It's also useful to generate random matrices. These are elementwise independent Unif(0,1) and normal.

(promote-cfun* defn  rand   DoubleMatrix/rand)
(promote-cfun* defn- randn* DoubleMatrix/randn)

(rnorm mu sigma n m) is an nxm Matrix with normally distributed random elements with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.

(defn rnorm
  ([^double mu ^double sigma ^long n ^long m]
   (matrix (doto (dotom .muli (randn* n m) sigma)
             (.addi mu))))
  ([^double mu ^double sigma ^long n]
   (matrix (doto (dotom .muli (randn* n) sigma)
             (.addi mu))))
  ([^long n ^long m] (randn* n m))
  ([^long n] (randn* n)))

Element algebra

Matrices can also be permuted, flipped, transposed, stacked, and split to form more complex matrices. This "element algebra" is a powerful way of building more complex matrices.

(t A) is the transpose of A.

(defn t
  [^Matrix mat] (matrix (dotom .transpose mat)))

hstack concatenates a number of matrices by aligning them horizontally. Each matrix must have the same number of rows. Optionally, the any entry may be a seq, which is spliced into the arguments list via flatten, somewhat like the final argument to apply.

(defn hstack
  [& vec-seq]
  (let [row-counts (clojure.core/map nrows vec-seq)
        rows (first row-counts)]
    (if (every? (partial == rows) row-counts)
      (matrix (reduce #(DoubleMatrix/concatHorizontally
                         ^DoubleMatrix %1
                         ^DoubleMatrix (me %2))
                      (me (first vec-seq))
                      (rest vec-seq))))))

vstack is vertical concatenation in the style of hstack. See hstack documentation for more detail.

(defn vstack
  [& vec-seq]
  (let [col-counts (clojure.core/map ncols vec-seq)
        cols (first col-counts)]
    (if (every? (partial == cols) col-counts)
      (matrix (reduce #(DoubleMatrix/concatVertically
                         ^DoubleMatrix %1
                         ^DoubleMatrix (me %2))
                      (me (first vec-seq))
                      (rest vec-seq))))))

rows explodes a Matrix into its constituent rows. By default, all the rows are returned in normal order, but particular indices can be specified by the second argument.

(defn rows
  ([^Matrix mat]   ;; TODO use map and get on datastruct
   (let [[n m] (size mat)]
     (rows mat (range n))))
  ([^Matrix m ^longs idxs]
   (clojure.core/map #(matrix (dotom .getRow m %)) idxs)))

cols explodes a Matrix into its constituent columns in the style of rows. See rows documentation for more detail.

(defn cols
  ([^Matrix mat]
   (cols mat (range (ncols mat))))
  ([^Matrix m ^longs idxs]
   (clojure.core/map #(matrix (dotom .getColumn m %)) idxs)))

From this we also get generalized matrix permutations almost for free.

(defn- permute-rows [^Matrix mat rowspec]
  (if rowspec (apply vstack (rows mat rowspec)) mat))
(defn- permute-cols [^Matrix mat colspec]
  (if colspec (apply hstack (cols mat colspec)) mat))

permute permutes the rows and the columns of a matrix. :rowspec and :colspec (or, for short, :r and :c) are keyword arguments providing seqs listing the indices of the permutation.

(defn permute
                                                            mat & {:keys [r c rowspec colspec]}]
  (let [[n m] (size mat)
        r (or r rowspec)
        c (or c colspec)]
    (cond (and r (some #(> % (dec n)) r))
          (throw+ {:error "Row index out of bounds" :num-rows n :rowspec r})
          (and c (some #(> % (dec m)) c))
          (throw+ {:error "Column index out of bounds" :num-columns n :colspec c})
          :else (permute-cols (permute-rows mat r) c))))

Block matrices

Block matrix syntax is a very convenient way of building larger matrices from smaller ones. Clatrix implements block matrix syntax in a convenient manner.

(block [[A 1 1 0]
        [0 B . .]
        [_ _ C .]
        [_ _ D E]])

Clatrix uses size constraint propagation to determine the proper sizes of the constant and 0 matrices.

iswild is a helper function that defines what a wildcard symbol is, used in block, slice, and slices.

(defn- iswild
  ;; This is a sort of silly way to do it, but I can't get the regex
  ;; to work for both '_ and #'user/_
  (let [name1 (second (re-find #"/(.+)" (str sym)))
        name2 (str sym)]
    (or (= name1 "_")
        (= name1 ".")
        (= name1 "*")
        (= name2 "_")
        (= name2 ".")
        (= name2 "*"))))

make-constr is a subfunction for block. Generates the size-constraint map based on the elements of the seqs in a block matrix specification.

(defn- make-constr
  (if (matrix? e)
    {:matrix e
     :rows (first (size e))
     :cols (second (size e))}
    {:constant e}))

update-hash-with-const is a subfunction for block. It examines a particular constraint against an old hash representation of the full set of constraints, hsh. Updates the hash at position [i j] to respect the current constraint constr according to key

(defn- update-hash-with-constr
  [hsh constr i j key]
  (let [{n key} constr
        old (hsh [i j])]
    (if (key old)
      (if (not= (key old) n) ;the constraint doesn't match the hash, uh oh
        (throw+ {:error "Block matrix diagram sizes are inconsistent."
                 :type :constraint-error
                 :location [i j]})
      ;; if there isn't an old key then we can fix that constraint now
      (assoc hsh [i j]
             (assoc old key n)))))

block-fn is the main worker subfunction for block. It's public so that block can macroexpand to call it. It creates a block matrix. Any number n represents the all-n matrix of an appropriate size to make the matrix.

(defn block-fn
  ;; We must do size-constraint propagation along the rows and columns
  ;; of the block-diagram in order to (a) ensure that the input isn't
  ;; in error and (b) find the proper sizes for the constant matrices.
  (let [n       (count matrices)
        lengths (clojure.core/map count matrices)
        m       (first lengths)]
    (if (not (every? (partial == m) lengths))
      (throw+ {:error "Block matrices cannot be ragged."})
      ;; Build the constraints map
      (let [indices (for [i (range n) j (range m)] [i j])
            ;; The initial hash map contains what we know before
            ;; constraint propagation.
            init-map (reduce (fn [hsh [i j]]
                               (assoc hsh [i j]
                                      (make-constr (nth (nth matrices i) j))))
                             (hash-map) indices)
            ;; Walk over the index set and propagate all the constraints
            ;; over each row and column
              (fn [hash [i j]]
                (let [constr (init-map [i j])]
                  (if (or (:rows constr) (:cols constr))
                    ;; Look up and to the left for constraint violations,
                    ;; locking in constraints if they don't already exist
                    (reduce #(update-hash-with-constr %1 constr i %2 :rows)
                            (reduce #(update-hash-with-constr %1 constr %2 j :cols)
                                    hash (range n))
                            (range m))
        ;; Use the constraint map to build the final matrix
        (apply vstack
               (for [i (range n)]
                 (apply hstack
                        (for [j (range m)]
                          (let [constr (constraint-map [i j])]
                            (if (:matrix constr)
                              (:matrix constr)
                              ;; Constants are assumed to be 1x1
                              ;; unless otherwise constrained
                              (constant (:rows constr 1)
                                        (:cols constr 1)
                                        (:constant constr))))))))))))

block creates a block matrix using normal block matrix syntax written as a row-major ordered vector of vectors. Each entry in the specification can be a Matrix, a number, or a null symbol (either . or _). Numbers are translated as constant matrices of the appropriate size to complete the block matrix. Null symbols are considered as constant 0 matrices and are also automatically constrained to be the proper size. Any integers which do not share a row or a column with a larger matrix are assumed to be 1x1 sized.

(defmacro block
     ~(vec (clojure.core/map
             #(vec (clojure.core/map
                     (fn [e] (if (iswild e) 0 e)) %))


As a more convenient API than looping over get and set, we have slice notation. This uses wildcard symbols (like in block) in order to represent full index sets.

(slice A _ 5) ; ==> the whole 5th column
(slice A 4 5) ; ==> (get A 4 5)

The slice macro also overloads setters. For instance

(slice A _ 1 (column (range 10)))

replaces the 2nd column of A with the numbers 0 through 9.

(defn- slicer
  ([^Matrix matrix rowspec colspec]
   (cond (and (iswild rowspec) (iswild colspec)) matrix
         (iswild rowspec) `(matrix (dotom .getColumn ~matrix ~colspec))
         (iswild colspec) `(matrix (dotom .getRow    ~matrix ~rowspec))
         :else            `(get ~matrix ~rowspec ~colspec)))
  ([^DoubleMatrix matrix rowspec colspec values]
   (let [m (gensym)
         form (cond (and (iswild rowspec) (iswild colspec)) `(.copy ~m ~values)
                    (iswild rowspec) `(dotom .putColumn ~m ~colspec ~values)
                    (iswild colspec) `(dotom .putRow    ~m ~rowspec ~values)
                    :else            `(set        ~m ~rowspec ~colspec ~values))]
     `(let [~m ~matrix]
        (do ~form ~m)))))

slice is the primary function for accessing and modifying a matrix at the single row, column, entry, or full matrix level. The row/colspec variables are either an integer or the atom '_ signifying that the index should run over all possible values for the row or column index. If a fourth argument is passed it is assumed to be a size-conforming entry, row, or matrix to be inserted into the spec'd location.

(defmacro slice
  [^Matrix matrix rowspec colspec & values?]
  (apply slicer matrix rowspec colspec values?))

slices provides an identical interface to slice except that it returns a seq (or seq-of-seqs) instead of a Matrix.

(defmacro slices
  [^Matrix matrix rowspec colspec & values?]
  `(as-vec ~(apply slicer matrix rowspec colspec values?)))


Many more complex matrix operations can be specialized for certain kinds of matrices. In particular, symmetric and positive definite matrices are much easier to handle. Clatrix doesn't natrually know which matrices have these special properties, but hinting functions can be used to assert that certain matrices are indeed symmetric or positive definite.

Most operations in Clatrix create new objects, thus the assertions do not propagate. If they are, however, they can be removed by asserting the matrix arbitrary.

symmetric asserts that a matrix is symmetric.

(defn symmetric
  [^Matrix m] (with-meta m {:symmetric true}))

positive asserts that a matrix is positive definite. By definition, it is also symmetric.

(defn positive
  [^Matrix m] (with-meta m {:symmetric true :positive true}))

arbitrary asserts that a matrix is just arbitrary.

(defn arbitrary
  [^Matrix m] (with-meta m {:symmetric false :positive false}))
(defn symmetric? [^Matrix m] (:symmetric (meta m)))
(defn positive?  [^Matrix m] (:positive (meta m)))
(defn arbitrary? [^Matrix m] (not (or (symmetric? m) (positive? m))))

maybe-symmetric attempts to assert that a matrix is symmetric, but only succeeds if it actually is.

(defn maybe-symmetric
  [^Matrix m]
  (if (or (symmetric? m) (= (t m) m))
    (symmetric m)
    (with-meta m {:symmetric false})))

maybe-positive attempts to assert that a matrix is positive definite, but only succeeds if it actually is. (Checked via eigenvalue positivity.)

(defn maybe-positive
  [^Matrix m]
  (let [m (maybe-symmetric m)]
    (if (symmetric? m)
      ;; We'll have faster access to the eigenvalues later...
      (let [vals (dotom Eigen/eigenvalues m)
            rvals (seq (.toArray (.real vals)))
            ivals (seq (.toArray (.real vals)))
            mags (clojure.core/map #(Math/sqrt
                                      (clojure.core/+ (Math/pow %1 2)
                                                      (Math/pow %2 2))) rvals ivals)]
        (if (every? #(> % 0) mags)
          (positive m)

Functor operations

It's sometimes useful to transform a matrix elementwise. For this we use the usual functor interface through map-indexed and map.

map-indexed maps a function over the indices and corresponding elements to create a new equivalently sized matrix with the resulting elements.

(defn map-indexed
  [fun ^Matrix mat]
  (let [[n m] (size mat)]
    (from-sparse n m
                 (for [i (range n)
                       j (range m)]
                   [i j (fun i j (get mat i j))]))))

map is a specialization of map-indexed where the function does not get passed the indices.

(defn map
  [fun ^Matrix mat]
  (let [[n m] (size mat)]
    (from-sparse n m
                 (for [i (range n)
                       j (range m)]
                   [i j (fun (get mat i j))]))))

Linear algebra

Some of the most important reasons one would use matrices comes from the techniques of linear algebra. Considering matrices as linear transformations of vector spaces gives meaning to matrix multiplication, introduces inversion and linear system solving, and introduces decompositions and spectral theory. The following functions give access to these rich techniques.

norm computes the 2-norm of a vector or the Frobenius norm of a matrix.

(defn norm
  [^Matrix mat]
  (dotom .norm2 mat))

normalize normalizes a matrix as a single column or collection of column vectors.

(defn normalize
  [^Matrix mat & [flags]]
  (if (column? mat)
    (matrix (dotom Geometry/normalize mat))
    (matrix (dotom Geometry/normalizeColumns mat))))

+ sums vectors and matrices (and scalars as if they were constant matrices). All the matrices must have the same size.

(defn +
  ([a b] (cond (and (matrix? a) (matrix? b))
               (if (= (size a) (size b))
                 (matrix (dotom .add a ^DoubleMatrix (me b)))
                 (throw+ {:exception "Matrices of different sizes cannot be summed."
                          :asize (size a)
                          :bsize (size b)}))
               (matrix? a) (matrix
                             (dotom .add a (double b)))
               (matrix? b) (matrix
                             (dotom .add b (double a)))
               :else       (clojure.core/+ a b)))
  ([a b & as] (reduce + a (cons b as))))

* computes the product of vectors and matrices (and scalars as scaling factors). All matrices must have compatible sizes.

(defn *
  ([a b] (cond (and (matrix? a) (matrix? b))
               (if (= (second (size a)) (first (size b)))
                 (matrix (dotom .mmul a ^DoubleMatrix (me b)))
                 (throw+ {:exception "Matrix products must have compatible sizes."
                          :a-cols (ncols a)
                          :b-rows (nrows b)}))
               (matrix? a) (matrix
                             (dotom .mmul a (double b)))
               (matrix? b) (matrix
                             (dotom .mmul b (double a)))
               :else       (clojure.core/* a b)))
  ([a b & as] (reduce * a (cons b as))))

Element-wise multiplication.

(defn mult
  ([a b] (cond (and (matrix? a) (matrix? b))
               (matrix (dotom .mul a ^DoubleMatrix (me b)))
               (matrix? a) (matrix
                             (dotom .mul a (double b)))
               (matrix? b) (matrix
                             (dotom .mul b (double a)))
               :else       (clojure.core/* a b))))

Element-wise division.

(defn div
  ([a b] (cond (and (matrix? a) (matrix? b))
               (matrix (dotom .div a ^DoubleMatrix (me b)))
               (matrix? a) (matrix
                             (dotom .div a (double b)))
               (matrix? b) (matrix
                             (dotom .rdiv b (double a)))
               :else       (clojure.core// a b))))

- differences vectors and matrices (and scalars as if they were constant matrices). All the matrices must have the same size.

(defn -
  ([a] (* -1 a))
  ([a b] (cond (and (matrix? a) (matrix? b))
               (if (= (size a) (size b))
                 (matrix (dotom .sub a ^DoubleMatrix (me b)))
                 (throw+ {:exception "Matrices of different sizes cannot be differenced."
                          :asize (size a)
                          :bsize (size b)}))
               (matrix? a) (matrix
                             (dotom .sub a (double b)))
               (matrix? b) (matrix
                             (dotom .rsub b (double a)))
               :else       (clojure.core/- a b)))
  ([a b & as] (reduce - a (cons b as))))

dot computes the inner product between two vectors. This is extended to work on matrices considered as nm-dimensional vectors.

(defn dot
  [^Matrix m1 ^Matrix m2]
  (dotom .dot m1 ^DoubleMatrix (me m2)))

We can also create random matrices of particular classes. For instance, rspectral allows for the creation of random square matrices with particular spectra.

(rreflection n) creates a random n-dimensional Householder reflection.

(defn rreflection
  (let [v (Geometry/normalize (DoubleMatrix/randn n))]
      (.sub (DoubleMatrix/eye n) (.mmul (.mmul v (.transpose v)) (double 2))))))

rspectral creates a random matrix with a particular spectrum, or, if only an integer n is passed, then it creates a random nxn positive definite matrix with a random spectrum. The orthogonal matrices are generated by using 2n composed Householder reflections.

(defn rspectral
  (let [[n spectrum]
        (if (sequential? n-or-spectrum)
          [(count n-or-spectrum) n-or-spectrum]
          [n-or-spectrum (repeatedly n-or-spectrum clojure.core/rand)])
        V ^DoubleMatrix
        (nth (iterate (fn [^DoubleMatrix prod]
                        (.mmul prod ^DoubleMatrix (me (rreflection n))))
                      (DoubleMatrix/eye n))
             (clojure.core/* 2 n))
        L (DoubleMatrix/diag
              ^doubles (into-array Double/TYPE spectrum)))
        A (matrix (-> V (.mmul L) (.mmul (.transpose V))))]
    (if (every? pos? spectrum)
      (positive A)

solve solves the equation Ax = B for the column Matrix x. Positivity and symmetry hints on A will cause solve to use optimized LAPACK routines.

(defn solve
  [^Matrix A ^Matrix B]
      (positive? A)  (Solve/solvePositive ^DoubleMatrix (me A)
                                          ^DoubleMatrix (me B))
      (symmetric? A) (Solve/solveSymmetric ^DoubleMatrix (me A)
                                           ^DoubleMatrix (me B))
      :else          (Solve/solve ^DoubleMatrix (me A)
                                  ^DoubleMatrix (me B)))))

i computes the inverse of a matrix. This is done via Gaussian elmination through the solve function. It can be numerically very unstable if the matrix is nearly singular.

(defn i
  [^Matrix mat]
  (if (not (square? mat))
    (throw+ {:exception "Cannot invert a non-square matrix."})
    (let [[n _] (size mat)]
      (solve mat (id n)))))

eigen computes the eigensystem (or generalized eigensystem) for a square Matrix A. Type hinting on A uses optimized routines for symmetric matrices while (eigen A B) will check to ensure A and B are symmetric before computing the generalized eigenvectors x such that A x = L B x. In non-symmetric computations, eigenvalues and vectors may be complex! In all cases, the real parts are returned as keys :values and :vectors in the output hash map, but if imaginary parts exist they are stored in :ivalues and :ivectors. Inproper symmetry hinting or failure to check for imaginary values will lead to mistakes in using the matrix spectrum.

(defn eigen
  ([^Matrix A]
     (symmetric? A) (let [[vecs vals] (clojure.core/map #(matrix %)
                                                        (seq (dotom Eigen/symmetricEigenvectors A)))]
                      {:vectors vecs :values (diag vals)})
     :else          (let [[^ComplexDoubleMatrix vecs ^ComplexDoubleMatrix vals]
                          (seq (dotom Eigen/eigenvectors A))
                          rvecs (matrix (.real vecs))
                          ivecs (matrix (.imag vecs))
                          rvals (diag (matrix (.real vals)))
                          ivals (diag (matrix (.imag vals)))
                          out {:vectors rvecs
                               :values  rvals}]
                      (if (some (partial not= 0.0) ivals)
                        (merge out
                               {:ivectors ivecs
                                :ivalues  ivals})
  ([^Matrix A ^Matrix B]
   (let [A (maybe-symmetric A)
         B (maybe-symmetric B)]
     (if (and (symmetric? A) (symmetric? B))
       (let [[vecs vals]
             (clojure.core/map #(matrix %)
                               (seq (Eigen/symmetricGeneralizedEigenvectors ^DoubleMatrix (me A)
                                                                            ^DoubleMatrix (me B))))]
         {:vectors vecs :values (as-vec vals)})
       (throw+ {:error "Cannot do generalized eigensystem for non-symmetric matrices."})))))

(svd A) computes the sparse singular value decomposition of A returning a map with keys {:values L :left U :right V} such that A = U (diag L) V. If (size A) is [n m] and the rank of A is k, we have the size of U as [n k], (diag L) as [k k], and (t V) as [k m].

Set :type full for the full SVD

(defn svd
  [^Matrix A & {:keys [type] :or {type :sparse}}]
  (let [[U L V] (if (= type :full)
                  (dotom Singular/fullSVD A)
                  (dotom Singular/sparseSVD A)) 
        left (matrix U)
        right (matrix V)
        values (seq (.toArray L))]
    (if (= type :values)
      {:values (seq (.toArray (dotom Singular/SVDValues A)))}
      {:left left
       :right right
       :values values
       :rank (count values)})))

(rank A) is the rank of matrix A as computed by svd.

(defn rank
  [^Matrix A] (:rank (svd A)))

complex-power computes z^e for some complex number z and double exponent e.

(defn- complex-power
  [^ComplexDouble z ^double e]
  (let [r (.real z)
        i (.imag z)
        m (Math/sqrt (clojure.core/+ (Math/pow r 2) (Math/pow i 2)))
        a (Math/atan2 i r)
        m2 (Math/pow m e)
        a2 (clojure.core/* a e)]
    (ComplexDouble. (clojure.core/* m2 (Math/cos a2))
                    (clojure.core/* m2 (Math/sin a2)))))

(pow A e) computes the eth matrix power of the square matrix A using Eigendecomposition. e need not be an integer.

(defn pow
  [^Matrix A e]
  (if (not (square? A))
    (throw+ {:exception "Cannot take power of non-square matrix."
             :size (size A)})
    (let [[n _] (size A)
          [^ComplexDoubleMatrix V
           ^ComplexDoubleMatrix L]
          (seq (dotom Eigen/eigenvectors A))
          new-spect (clojure.core/map #(complex-power % e)
                                      (seq (.toArray (.diag L))))]
      ;; Update L with the new spectrum
      (doseq [i (range n)]
        (.put L i i (nth new-spect i)))
      ;; Compute the product
      (-> V
        (.mmul L)
        (.mmul (.transpose V))

(cholesky A) is the Cholesky square root of a matrix, U such that U' U = A. Note that A must be positive (semi) definite for this to exist, but cholesky requires strict positivity.

(defn cholesky
  [^Matrix mat]
  (let [mat (maybe-positive mat)]
    (if (positive? mat)
      (matrix (dotom Decompose/cholesky mat))
      (throw+ {:exception "Cholesky decompositions require positivity."}))))

(lu A) computes the LU decomposition of A, returning `{:p P :l L :u U}such thatA = PLU`.

(defn lu
  [^Matrix mat]
  (if (not (square? mat))
    (throw+ {:exception "Cannot compute LU decomposition of a non-square matrix."
             :size (size mat)})
    (let [lu (dotom Decompose/lu mat)]
      {:p (matrix ^DoubleMatrix (.p lu))
       :l (matrix ^DoubleMatrix (.l lu))
       :u (matrix ^DoubleMatrix (.u lu))})))

Printing the matrices

When normally working with matrices in a REPL, it's huge mistake to accidentally print a large matrix to the terminal. Usually, it's sufficient to know a few matrix properties to check your process so long as other functions allow for more detailed examination.

As seen above, (str A) on some matrix A attempts to write a readable lisp form for A by using dense seq-of-seq semantics. Below we demonstrate non-readable printing methods for Matrix which show only its size (print-method, used by the REPL).

(This function is pretty ugly...)

(defmethod print-method Matrix [mat ^ w]
  (let [[nbits prec] [3 2]
        [n m] (size mat)
        small-rows (< n (* nbits 2))
        small-cols (< m (clojure.core/* nbits 2))
        rowset (if (< n (clojure.core/* nbits 2))
                 (range n)
                 (concat (range nbits) (range (clojure.core/- n nbits) n)))
        colset (if (< m (clojure.core/* nbits 2))
                 (range m)
                 (concat (range nbits) (range (clojure.core/- m nbits) m)))
        submat (apply hstack (cols (apply vstack (rows mat rowset)) colset))
        [n m] (size submat)
        fmt (str "% ." prec "e ")
        header (apply format " A %dx%d matrix\n" (size mat))]
    ;; Print the header
    (.write w header)
    (.write w " ")
    (doseq [i (range (dec (count header)))] (.write w "-"))
    (.write w "\n")
    ;; Print the matrix
    (if small-rows
      (doseq [i (range n)]
        (if small-cols
          (doseq [j (range m)]
            (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))
          (do (doseq [j (range nbits)]
                (print (format fmt (slice submat i j))))
            (.write w " . ")
            (doseq [j (range nbits (clojure.core/* 2 nbits))]
              (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))))
        (.write w "\n"))
      (do (doseq [i (range nbits)]
            (if small-cols
              (doseq [j (range m)]
                (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))
              (do (doseq [j (range nbits)]
                    (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))
                (.write w " . ")
                (doseq [j (range nbits (clojure.core/* 2 nbits))]
                  (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))))
            (.write w "\n"))
        (.write w " ... \n")
        (doseq [i (range nbits (clojure.core/* 2 nbits))]
          (if small-cols
            (doseq [j (range m)]
              (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))
            (do (doseq [j (range nbits)]
                  (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))
              (.write w " . ")
              (doseq [j (range nbits (clojure.core/* 2 nbits))]
                (.write w (format fmt (slice submat i j))))))
          (.write w "\n"))))))

JBLAS provides several fast and useful mathematical functions, mirroring Java's Math namespace, applied elementwise to the Matrix. Here we import them. They are provided in a funcional form as well as a mutating form, the latter have i (for in-place) appended to their names.

Helper macro

(defmacro promote-mffun* [defname name fname]
  (let [m (gensym)]
    `(~defname ~name ^Matrix [^Matrix ~m] (matrix (dotom ~fname ~m)))))

These are the functional style matrix functions. They accept a matrix and return a new matrix with the function applied element-wise.

(promote-mffun* defn exp    MatrixFunctions/exp)
(promote-mffun* defn abs    MatrixFunctions/abs)
(promote-mffun* defn acos   MatrixFunctions/acos)
(promote-mffun* defn asin   MatrixFunctions/asin)
(promote-mffun* defn atan   MatrixFunctions/atan)
(promote-mffun* defn cbrt   MatrixFunctions/cbrt)
(promote-mffun* defn ceil   MatrixFunctions/ceil)
(promote-mffun* defn cos    MatrixFunctions/cos)
(promote-mffun* defn cosh   MatrixFunctions/cosh)
(promote-mffun* defn exp    MatrixFunctions/exp)
(promote-mffun* defn floor  MatrixFunctions/floor)
(promote-mffun* defn log    MatrixFunctions/log)
(promote-mffun* defn log10  MatrixFunctions/log10)
(promote-mffun* defn signum MatrixFunctions/signum)
(promote-mffun* defn sin    MatrixFunctions/sin)
(promote-mffun* defn sinh   MatrixFunctions/sinh)
(promote-mffun* defn sqrt   MatrixFunctions/sqrt)
(promote-mffun* defn tan    MatrixFunctions/tan)
(promote-mffun* defn tanh   MatrixFunctions/tanh)

These are the inplace functions. They mutate the passed in matrix with the function. They are faster

(promote-mffun* defn exp!    MatrixFunctions/expi)
(promote-mffun* defn abs!    MatrixFunctions/absi)
(promote-mffun* defn acos!   MatrixFunctions/acosi)
(promote-mffun* defn asin!   MatrixFunctions/asini)
(promote-mffun* defn atan!   MatrixFunctions/atani)
(promote-mffun* defn cbrt!   MatrixFunctions/cbrti)
(promote-mffun* defn ceil!   MatrixFunctions/ceili)
(promote-mffun* defn cos!    MatrixFunctions/cosi)
(promote-mffun* defn cosh!   MatrixFunctions/coshi)
(promote-mffun* defn exp!    MatrixFunctions/expi)
(promote-mffun* defn floor!  MatrixFunctions/floori)
(promote-mffun* defn log!    MatrixFunctions/logi)
(promote-mffun* defn log10!  MatrixFunctions/log10i)
(promote-mffun* defn signum! MatrixFunctions/signumi)
(promote-mffun* defn sin!    MatrixFunctions/sini)
(promote-mffun* defn sinh!   MatrixFunctions/sinhi)
(promote-mffun* defn sqrt!   MatrixFunctions/sqrti)
(promote-mffun* defn tan!    MatrixFunctions/tani)
(promote-mffun* defn tanh!   MatrixFunctions/tanhi)

TODO: pow is more complex and not currenty supported